Friday, August 8, 2014

Blog Tour

Blog tour
So, Carolyn Aarsen sent you here, via Renee Gutteridge and Andrea Nasfell of Mother’s Night Out, fame. Pretty heady company.

So, here’s the answers to the questions of the blog tour.

1. Who are you?

While I love being called a Love Inspired Author, my favorite title is Grandma. I have three beautiful granddaughters who light up my life. I'm also eternally thankful to God that I can be called his child. Being a child of God is a lifelong learning experience and I have so far to go still. In addition, I am a wife and mom and an amateur gardener an chef. 

2. What are you working on?

I am currently working on edits for a Love Inspired Suspense submission entitled A Killer's Trail. Its about a serial killer with a very unusual target victim. In addition, I'm plotting my next LIS. There's nothing as intimidating and exciting as looking at a blank computer screen. The possibilities are limitless.   

3. How does your work differ from others of it’s genre?

I think the challenge for a Inspirational suspense author is to add the positive element of faith to an otherwise dangerous and deadly scenario. In every story I write, I want the reader to know not only are the characters not alone as they face terrifying situations, but neither is the reader. 
4. Why do you write what you do?

When I first started out writing, I tried different genres although I loved to read Inspirational Suspense. I had always heard one piece of advice that stuck with me through it all and that is write what you love to read. But for me, when I was writing other genres I felt that it wasn't where I was supposed to be. Finally I submitted to God's will. There is nothing more peaceful than knowing you are following behind God.

5. How does your writing process work?

I start with an idea that comes to me usually through something I've seen or read and then I let it simmer for a while in my head. When I have a good idea of where I want the story to go, I sit down at my laptop and begin the story. It is inevitable that the way I picture the book ending is never the way it truly does. My characters seem to have a mind of their own.  

So that’s me. Hop on over to Carolyn Aarsen's site to find out more about her.

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